Selecting the correct surgeon is crucial for achieving the best outcome with plastic surgery. However, with many options, it can take time to determine where to begin. Therefore, we have listed five tips to assist you in selecting the ideal plastic surgeon for your requirements.

1. Choose a professional who specializes in what you want

When it comes to plastic surgery, finding the right surgeon is crucial. While there are many skilled plastic surgeons, looking for one specializing in the specific procedure you're interested in is essential. For instance, if you're looking for a Brazilian butt lift or butt implants, search for a surgeon specializing in these procedures. If you've suffered facial lacerations from a car accident, look for a surgeon experienced in facial reconstruction surgery. These specialists often advertise their areas of expertise on their websites and may have access to the latest techniques and procedures. They may have also hosted industry events and published articles in plastic surgery journals and magazines.

Before selecting a plastic surgeon, knowing what you want is essential. Research the procedures that will give you the desired results, and then seek out surgeons who specialize in those areas. Finding a specialist can ensure you're in good hands and achieve the best possible outcome.

2. Find out about their education and credentials

One must inquire about their education and experience to locate the finest plastic surgeon. Ask the following questions: 

  • What medical school did they attend? 
  • What was the location of their residency training? 
  • How long have they been practicing?
  • Throughout their career, how many cosmetic surgeries have they performed?

Always remember that you can request a copy of a surgeon's diploma and verify any certifications they have received. Aside from checking their educational background and overall credentials, it is also essential to inquire if the surgeon you are considering working with is affiliated with any professional organizations or associations. This can include groups like the American Association of Plastic Surgeons, which indicates that your surgeon has a strong network and is dedicated to ongoing education in plastic surgery.

3. Consult past references

To ensure the best results, it's recommended that you speak directly or via phone with references provided by your plastic surgeon. At least two references who have undergone the same procedure you're interested in should be requested. When speaking with these references, asking the right questions is essential. Begin by inquiring about their overall satisfaction with the work they had done, such as:

  • Did the results last? 
  • Did any complications occur? 
  • Did they receive an accurate description of the recovery period? 
  • Are there any side effects they have experienced?
  • Also, ask about the payment options and fees like the following:
  • Were any hidden costs, such as anesthesia, tacked on without discussion? 
  • Did the billing cycle follow the description?

4. Schedule a Consultation

To determine if a plastic surgeon is right for you, you must schedule a consultation with them. During this meeting, you can decide if you're a suitable candidate for the desired procedure and assess the level of care you'll receive. Ensure the surgeon clearly explains the potential risks and outcomes of the procedure. They should also provide information on the worst-case scenario and how you can expect to look after the surgery. Remember that a reputable surgeon won't make promises they can't fulfill. If you feel like your expectations are being exaggerated, it's reasonable to be skeptical. Additionally, inquire about the recovery period associated with the procedure you're considering, including any necessary time off. Ask questions like the following:

  • Is it essential to take a vacation from work? 
  • Can you drive yourself home after the procedure? 
  • After your surgery, how long will you need to stay in the hospital? 
  • Can the surgery be completed in one session? 
  • Would you need to visit the plastic surgeon multiple times for this procedure?
  • It is essential to consider whether you have a good rapport with your plastic surgeon. Seek another
  • surgeon if you feel a disconnect in your communication styles.

5. Take a look at their portfolio

To ensure you choose a top-quality plastic surgeon, reviewing their portfolio, also known as a patient gallery, is essential. Doing so will help manage your expectations and give you an idea of how their work looks on others. This step is crucial in effectively evaluating a potential plastic surgery professional and determining the overall quality of their work. Additionally, you can see how the results differ by reviewing different procedures. You may even have multiple procedures done after seeing the surgeon's work. It's important to note that a "Before and After" portfolio on the surgeon's website shows you the expected results and confirms the doctor's experience. Looking elsewhere is best if a plastic surgeon's website doesn't provide a portfolio.

Looking for a Plastic Surgeon in Baltimore or Maryland?

When considering plastic surgery, research and look for a certified surgeon with experience in your desired procedure. Ask for recommendations and schedule consultations with top choices. During meetings, ask questions and ensure you feel comfortable with the surgeon and staff. Dr. Birely is a leading plastic surgeon in Baltimore and Maryland who provides informative consultations. Contact his clinic for more information.

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Dr. Brent Birely is a board-certified plastic surgeon with offices in Lutherville and Bel Air, serving patients from Baltimore, Towson, Columbia, Westminster, and other Maryland cities. He is a very well regarded leader in cosmetic surgery and patient safety, and specializes in procedures including breast augmentation, tummy tuck, mommy makeover, facelift, and body lifting procedures after weight loss.

*The content/images on this website are not a guarantee of individual results. Individual results may vary. The information provided on this site is for general informational purposes only and does not replace the need for a formal consultation with a plastic and reconstructive surgeon before undergoing a surgical procedure or skin care treatment.

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